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About Us

Weidenhammer has driven business and technical modernization at every IT inflection point since 1978. The Hammer 'Forge' is where we envision, craft, refine, strengthen, and sharpen IT and growth initiatives together. Knowing that technology investments must result in successful business outcomes, Hammer specializes in empowering greater efficiency, productivity, experiences, security, growth, and digital transformations that unlock scalable innovation and sustainable success. Our in-house business consulting, omnichannel marketing, and technology experts critically listen and assess, deliver strategic roadmaps with proof of concepts, execute end-to-end, and protect your investments with monthly monitoring, actionable insights, and managed services. We solve for RFP and standalone projects, but we're even better as advisors and providers earning your trust every step of the way while delivering senior and onshore expertise in: AI, Cloud, Data, Development, Ecommerce, Integrations, Networks, Security, UX, Websites, and outcome-driven, future-facing, ecosystem solutions. When you're ready, let's hammer IT out together.