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About Us

momox is the leading online re-commerce provider for books, CDs, DVDs/ Blu-rays, games and clothing in Europe. We offer a fast and easy way for people to sell and purchase pre-owned consumer goods. Based in Berlin, we have launched our online trade-in service www.momox.de and the momox app for iOS and android where consumers in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and United Kingdom can sell their stuff at fixed prices. The momox app is by far the easiest way to sell books and media items that you have no use for anymore. Simply scan the barcodes with the app, see the current price we offer and sell. We sell all products at second hand prices through our own online shops www.medimops.de (books and media) and www.momoxfashion.com (clothing) in Germany as well as www.momox-shop.fr in France. In addition, the articles are also sold worldwide via the large marketplaces. Today momox is the biggest vendor for used goods on amazon and eBay in Germany, and the biggest vendor on amazon worldwide. Founded in 2004 as Germany’s first re-commerce platform for pre-owned items, we have grown to more than 2.200 employees at four locations with our headquarter in Berlin. Up until now, momox has purchased more than 200 mio consumer goods. Imprint: https://www.momox.de/impressum/